Kerai Construction Limited has completed several prestigious projects including part of Tanzania’s. Kerai Construction Limited had taken the management of quarries for Makuyuni – Ngorangoro road project at Mti Mmoja(Nanja Mondouli Arusha) Quarry and Serera Quarry with konoike Construction Company Limited which originates from Japan. The team completed that project by the end of 2002 with a fully tarmac road of 125KM.
Kerai Construction Limited had taken the management of quarries for Manyoni road project at Domoma Quarry with Konoike Construction company Limited. The team completed that project by the end of 2007 with a fully tarmac road of 130KM.
Kerai Construction Limited took a project of building a fully tarmac road of 53km from Masasi in Mtwara Region to the border of Mozambique. Which was success fully completed by the mid of 2014